Sunday, May 23, 2010

Well we are moving AGAIN!!!

This time our move isn't in the same city or anywhere on the east coast to be exact... Our new duty station is Creech AFB Nevada! Most likely living on Nellis AFB Navada(has housing)

I'm still getting used to the fact that I will not be as close to family and will really have to make friends on my own this time. We don't know any families out there and Brad is pretty sure that none of his co-workers will be going out that way either. But, we are trying our best to be positive. For instance the dry heat out there will keep me from having severe allergy attacks, and most likely I'll have a tan year round! lol

We are still planning on going home (New York and Florida) once a year to each place, we just need to get our finances lined up. We feel that God is moving us out there for a reason, what that reason is we will find out in his time.

We also just found out that our tour over there could very well be 3-4 years rather than the 2 they originally told Bradley when he signed for this job. Like I said though It's fine, we will find a way to see you all! We will have the skype camera up and going when we move out there! And will be emailing and mailing photos and letters to family who would like to keep in touch!

Other than that! I know you are all dying to hear news about the baby!

We find out what the little Gummy Bear is June 25th!!! We heard the heartbeat this past visit and it was amazing. Although the Dr didn't give us very long to listen (new dr we are going back to the original lady for the apt on the 25th) we are going to ask the next visit if we can hear again! Very excited!

We can't wait to see what we are having... I'm guessing girl, and Brad's guessing boy(even though he really wants a girl, ask him he'll tell you! LOL) and with co-workers and friends its half and half... we'll see!!!

Well I'm off to do something with my day... maybe clean or maybe just chill out online to find more info on my  new base... yeah that sounds good!!! Ta-Ta for now!