Sunday, April 10, 2011

Finally Uploaded Videos!!

Finally got around to uploading some videos onto youtube. Took forever though.
My favorite one right here:

Our little guy is getting soooo big, and way too quickly!
He's eating baby food, and learning to drink from a sippy cup. He is trying to crawl and is doing pretty good at holding himself up to sit!
It's amazing that every morning we go in to wake him up for his breakfast and he looks a little bit older!

In other news...
I'm looking for a job, something to get me out of the house for a couple hours a week. Nothing big. Maybe just a retail position and put the money away for a trip back home or whatnot.

Brad and I have made a few friends here. We are starting game night with a chaplain's family and then a nice group of mommies here in Vegas have invited me into their group. I'm very excited to meet them this coming weekend! And I'm making Gram's Baked Beans!!

Well I'm off to bed so here are a few photos of Jeremiah!
Me and Bun-Bun

Daddy and I look the same!

Looking cool

I'm cute


Up to no good

Giggles and Grins

I sure do love the water!!!

Future president! Will you vote for me?
Praying for you! Loving and missing you too!


  1. Awww what adorable videos! He's such a happy little guy!

