Thursday, September 27, 2012

Perspective Jogging

It's FALL!!! 
Well not so much here but at least it's getting a bit cooler!
It's only 89* here in Las Vegas, NV. Last night when I let the dogs out before bedtime it was nice and cool, I would say low 70s.

I really miss the Autumn weather back east. Can't wait to go home one day and watch the leaves change, go to the balloon festival, make thanksgiving dinner for family, crunch the leaves under my feet, the first frost and snowfall, and Christmas.

This time two years ago we were prepping for Jeremiah to be born. Waiting for the day I would go into labor and the miracle that was growing inside of me to become a real person and not just a black and white ultrasound photo.
I was excited and very reluctant to realize that what I thought would happen and the life that we had would be changing forever. All or most of you know the story of what happened when Jeremiah was born.

But most don't know that up until now I've been dealing with complications that I didn't know where possible. I've been treated for mild depression from dealing with a complicated birth and also a form of PTSD from the birth and emergency c-section, I also have been on many medications for allergies, abdominal issues and even had a few visits to some specialists who still aren't quite sure what is wrong. I haven't been able to do a full work out regiment because of all of this.

But there is great news!

About a month ago I was cleared to do a full workout program! If you knew me when I was in high school or just in New York at all you know that I loved biking, swimming, going to the gym, and even working out while watching tv. I ate pretty healthy and I was slim, healthy and happy!

I have had a sinus infection for the last 2 months and finally got myself to the doctor over the weekend (it's a mom thing), paid my tiny co-pay ($6 for super anti-biotic and a bunch of other stuff) and headed home to get myself better!

Last night after a day of running around all over town with Jeremiah I decided that I was feeling good enough to go and jog (day 3 of 10 of anti-biotic). Like I said I haven't really really worked out since Jeremiah was born. But WOW! I felt so good! I jogged/ fast walk about a mile and every time I slowed down to take a breath I felt my body tell me to go further! It was amazing! Muscle memory is the only way to describe it. I got back into the same pace I was so familiar with and it felt awesome! I'm excited to go again when Brad gets home tonight!

Some news dealing with Jeremiah for all of those who pretty much come on here just for him (it's okay Brad and I still love you! haha)
  • Jeremiah is still at 35lbs but getting taller
  • He has now successfully been in his toddler bed for almost 3 weeks (first try only lasted a week in August) and once he learns to stay in bed completely we are buying a big boy bed
  • He started saying words in short 2-3 word sentences 
  • Is advanced in everything but his vocabulary 
  • Is able to sort colors and shapes like a pro (when he wants to)
  • Has been opening doors for 4 months- not too fond of this but it is an achievement
    Plays really well with other kids and is able to solve conflicts or comes to Brad or myself if there is one
    Is very good at problem solving- I'm not sure when this becomes a big deal but it amazes me that he's able to do this at only 22 months
  • Has very few or even NO tantrums and when he does it's because he's tired or hungry
  • Loves art, reading, music and playing pretend- We are going to take advantage of the halloween costumes and make a boy version of a dress up chest along with some fun things from our closet! 
  • Oh yes... and we are potty training. Not going so well so thinking of putting this off for a bit longer. I'm kinda happy because that means I don't have to try and put him on a public toilet and have to wipe him as he runs through the house with... well you get it.

Favorite foods
  • Cheese eggs (thanks dad for making these for me when I was little now they are Jeremiah's favorite breakfast!)
  • english muffins- with any and all toppings
  • grilled cheese
  • sweet potatoes
  • chicken sandwiches
  • my baked "fried" chicken- Brad's also
  • yummy fruit bars
  • homemade fruit leather (I've got to make more of this!)
It's crazy how big our little gummy bear has become. I'm making a book of photos for each year of our marriage and when I got to the photos of Jeremiah when he was first born, and how little he was, it made me appreciate how much the Lord has given us.
It made me so thankful that I have such a gracious Lord, a husband that even though we have hard times he's always there for us, and a super smart little boy who has changed our lives for the better. We are a family now, before him we were not going anyplace. Now Brad is working on his degree and I'm getting ready to start school! We are debt free besides the cars and even though we really don't like Las Vegas, we are learning that this isn't forever, this isn't where we are going to live after the military and this is just another detour in our lives!

We have a great church, we are very slowly making friends and we in a good place in our lives. Reminding myself that, is hard, especially when Jeremiah decides to poop 4 times before nap time in his diaper, or one of the dogs pees on the floor, or the rental home we are getting a great deal on needs some work; I still need to remember how much we have, and how blessed we really are!

That is such a hard thing to do nowadays too. With credit cards and mortgages, and looking at what others have that you don't. Comparing our lives with the people next door or even people we know who live someplace else is heart wrenching.
I often find myself asking myself how so and so are able to afford what they have. For friends of ours who are military you know about how much they make, it's everywhere on the internet! So I find myself wondering how they have a big beautiful house with, nice furnishings, and so much more. 

But lately the Lord has having me look at what we have. 
We have God the father who is watching over us, who is giving us what we need. We have two cars that both run, a rental home we can do whatever we want to (within reason), we are healthy (or getting better), we have a child who has already surpassed most children his age in pretty much everything, two loving- yet sometimes annoying dogs, we have clothes and food and pretty awesome things in our home, and 
Brad has even found a new hobby that will be MAKING us money!!


That's what life is. Looking inside of yourself and not looking out at others. Looking into the windows of your heart or even your home and seeing what YOU have and stop worrying what the other people have and being thankful for everything that you have in front of you and helping those who are less fortunate, praying for the greater good.
We don't have a ton of money but are richer than people I know that make 100-200k a year! We live on one salary and are doing pretty well!! Living within your means and realizing that being upset about what another may have that you don't isn't going to get you anyplace. Realizing that you have gifts that you need to use to help yourself, your family, your friends, and strangers is a priority. The Lord gave us our gifts to further his kingdom.

Keep in mind that life is never perfect, the things that aren't so perfect are the things that truly may become perfect, we just have to give them time.
I guess this is a good a time as ever to put up some  
PHOTOS of our darling little guy!

Brad and I recently got a new camera and we have learning how to use it- slowly.
Here are some shots of Jeremiah- and us- that I thought you would enjoy!

My ba-ba

Throwing rocks!

More Fish!

Look at mommy...

Look Daddy


Tired eyes

Are we done yet?

Time for a nap

"Sun in face" face

Boys taking a walk

Snack time! Thanks Daddy!

Big boy in his Big boy chair



What's THIS letter?

Deer in Headlights

Maggie came to play




Froggy Friend


Cute Feet

Wash those hands

Mommy and Me

All Smiles

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