Wednesday, July 3, 2013

This is who I am...

I am:
A Follower of Jesus Christ. I believe in the old and New Testaments of the bible. I am not perfect and I need my Lords love and compassion. I have given my life to him and will be going to heaven. 

A married woman. My husband and I fight and argue but we also love, care and cherish each other and try to follow a biblically based marriage daily. 

With the help of The Lord I am able to be a submissive wife and allow my husband whom is head of our home and finances to do what he needs to do. I control the ongoings of the home and child rearing. 
Psalm 31

A mother, whom loves her child with all of her very being. I can not imagine my world without this little man who calls me "momma". 

A conservative. I do not have a political party because honestly I believe our government is so very corrupt and that neither side is better than the other. It starts with the state so I vote on whomever is closest to my beliefs. 

Crunchy. Think organic foods, cloth diapering, cleaning with baking soda and vinegar, breast feeding and having home births. The last one I may never be able to achieve but you know what I'm still for it. Natural is the way to go. Clean eating and healthy living is not only better for you but better for our environment. 

A nerd for the Sims, science and biology but hate math. Psychology and sociology are other favorite subjects of mine. 

A dreamer. I am constantly dreaming of what I can do to make my home look better and what our home will look like after we move back home. 

A crafter!! I love crafts and spiffing up the house to make it feel like a home rather than a rental or just another stop along the way while following the military. 

A student. I try my hardest to maintain a 4.0 gpa and plan to during the duration of my time in college. 
I hated high school. Too many distractions and too much drama. I take all my classes online until medical school. When I get to that point I will be in class on campus. 

A family person. I love my family. That includes my in laws and friends whom have become family and whom are even better than blood. Love them all! 

A fitness fanatic reinvented. I didn't work out very much during my pregnancy with Jerm which made me very overweight. After a very scary csection and lots of medication my body was so very messed up that I had to wait almost two years to feel comfortable working out again. I've slowly started getting back into a routine and plan to never get as big as I was before 235lbs was my weigh in the day we went to the hospital to be induced. NEVER again!!! 

A mommy who wants another baby so badly but I'm not sure I'm ready yet. I love my three person plus dog and reef fish home. Although I feel that our family isn't complete yet I'm happy with it for now. You never know when The Lord will give you another child. But I honestly feel it will be this summer haha 

A traveler!! I love to travel! I don't know if I'm the only one but before I leave my house I have to have everything cleaned and put away. Even if its just overnight. If I don't I dread coming back to a dirty house and having to unpack and clean all at once. Yuck. 

So that is me in a nutshell. I am pretty nutty but I love my life and the people I share it with. 

I am very selective with the people I associate with. I will give you a chance but only for so long.
Life isn't about letting people walk all over you. It's about loving one another and helping each other out and doing good for Our Lord. 

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