Tuesday, November 8, 2011

B is for Birthday and Braces

Jeremiah just celebrated his first birthday!!! We were at a family retreat this weekend and celebrated with everyone there. A big beautiful cake and party favors where handed out. This weekend will be his online party for family and friends back home.

Jeremiah now has 4 top and 4 bottom teeth. All of which are already crowded. All I can think of is braces, braces and more braces. Brad was and still is in the same situation. We will be bringing him to the dentist next year(my dentist doesn't feel its needed till he's at least 2). Hopefully we will be able to get some good answers to correct this problem!

Jeremiah and Bun-bun have become the best of friends. When we were at the hotel this weekend he wouldn't leave her and ever since she goes with him to play and brush teeth and cuddle and read before bed. And of course she goes to bed with Jeremiah.

God has been blessing us left and right. Even though some may not think that peace is a blessing it is to me. He has given me peace about issues that have effected me for years. Which in turn has helped our marriage greatly.

I'm off to go and play with Jeremiah I pray that the Lord gives you peace in your life also!

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