Friday, March 18, 2011


Sure are missing family and friends right now. More than ever before. I need time away from the house to just relax with Brad. I don't trust anyone to watch Jeremiah so I go out for a little while, while I go to the store for an hour.
Praying we make some friends soon. Friends who will be willing to watch Jeremiah for a night so I can enjoy spending some time with hubby.
Other than that, the last two days have been hard. I haven't been wanting to get out of bed again. I have so much housework to catch up on. I guess that's what I get... for what I don't know but whatever.

Well Brad will be home very soon, getting ready to go and get rid of Savannah. We really love her but she attracts too many bugs because of the desert.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

80* in March??

Hello family and friends! What is up with our weather out here... it's so weird. First we didn't get to celebrate Christmas the way we normally do(tree, lights, hot cocoa, and.. snow. duh) so we are still messed up on the time of the year and now it's March and it's 80* I shouldn't be complaining but I know that these 80* days will soon be 120* days.
I know that the Lord has a plan for us and that is why we are here. But come on?! I like summer but not all year round! lol
So unofficially I can't wait for winter haha! Can't wait for Jeremiah's "first" real Christmas. Unpacking boxes and living around boxes was not Christmas. I kinda wish we lived back in DC at least the heat was only for a couple of months. Okay enough complaining...

Other news! I am getting close to my goal weight! I have about 30ish lbs left to loose! I'm officially at my pre-baby weight and now I'm working towards the goal for my weight that I was working on right before I found out I was pregnant!
All of this breast feeding has gotten me this far and is the best thing possible for Jeremiah!

                      Win Win!!!

I'm starting Yoga today so the rest of the weight should just drop! I haven't done anything really up to this point. So I'm praying that I stick with this. I can do it at home, no need to go to the gym. I have enough room, and I can do it with Jeremiah awake or asleep. It doesn't matter. I can actually include him in it too! Love it! I can't wait to do it after my load of laundry is done!myspace comments
 I'm excited for my excersise today and also for lunch! I'm making delish turkey cheese wraps with fruit salad! Yummmy!!!

Oh super cool thing happened yesterday, I went on  tour and got to see some pretty nifty planes that the Air Force fly's! I took some photos and got to watch the first air show of the season!
Well I have to go! Laundry is done, that means YOGA TIME!!!
God bless ya'll!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I'm Expecting!!

Well Brad and I, although not Catholic, have decided to fast for lent. Brad started on Ash Wensday and had a very long list and me... well I'm starting this coming Monday(as in tomorrow).
We have decided to better ourselves by removing ungodly things from our home.
Today we went through our DVD collection and threw out any DVDs that we thought would bring us back to where we have been. We want to be a Christ following family. A Christian family that Fully Relies On God!
We want our home to be warm and inviting to those whom are not christians and those whom are. No matter their faith we want them to feel at home within our home.
So we are "deleting everything bad from our lives. We are going to bless our home and we are starting fresh.

A few questions I know you may be asking:
  • Why now?
    • Well to be perfectly honest, why not now? We have a beautiful baby boy who is growing up in a terrible society, and who needs to have the security of our Lord with him at all times no matter his age. I can't speak for Brad but I know he feels the same way. We should have done this before I was pregnant. We should have been doing this before we where married. We where late so we are doing it now.
  • What are you going to be doing? 
    • We are re-dedicating our lives to the Lord. We want a relationship with him that is above any other here on earth
    •  We are removing things from our lives that are unholy and that do not help us with our walk with God
The one thing that I am giving up for lent is Facebook. Most likely that is one of the only reasons you are here reading this. And if you actually read this far you will now know that my "I'm Expecting" update was just a attention grabber.
I will be back on facebook after 10 days, but not to the extent that I have been recently.
I found myself on my phone after midnight(I got into my bed around 11pm) and I was looking at everyone's updates and I asked myself...    "Why am I still online? What is so interesting about someone's life that I need to know where they ate that day and what new something they bought was."

Then it hit me "I have a problem with facebook" Instead of staying on fb for hours on end I should be reading my Bible, finishing laundry, playing with my adorable son(Don't worry I already do this a ton but come on he's a cutie and could use more than 8 hours a day of mommy time!), playing with the pups, exercising, trying a new recipe, etc.
So that is it! Bye bye facebook for 10 days at least. If I can't do 10 days then I'm deleteing my facebook altogether. Starting over fresh like a new baby... (hence the "I'm expecting")
I will be updating on here, I also realized that I have been niglecting this blogg, I made it so that family and friends would be able to see what we are doing and watch Jeremiah growing... I haven't been doing that and I really need to