Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I'm so Thankful for YOU!

As everyone starts to shop for Christmas gifts, think about what New Year's resolution they will try to keep, and think about coming together with family and friends for the season.
I sit at my desk thanking the Lord for what he has carried us through this past year. Even though we have less money, less things, no real close friends near us, we are still completely blessed!
The yummy turkey that only took 4 hrs to cook!! It was 17lbs!

While looking through photos of the last year and deciding which to have printed out for our family scrapbook I tear up because without the Lord's grace Brad could have been a single parent, and Jeremiah would have never known me.

This year we are doing the Christmas season differently. First we spent our first Thanksgiving completely alone just the three of us and although the turkey wasn't defrosted till noon, and we really didn't have much to eat all day waiting on it the day turned out great!

It was a good day and night. After dinner Brad put everything away while I gave Jeremiah a bath. We all watched a movie and then off to bed we all went!

It was a great time for us. It was great to know that we can do things on our own and have them turn out great. Even though we knew that already it was just awesome to have it proved to us by working together. Even though working together meant that  I made all the dinner and Brad made 2 pies and cleaned up it was still great and brought us closer together.

Come on guys I'm hungry!!!

He got the first plate!!!

He really liked it don't mind him.
 We now know that Jeremiah will only eat so much turkey till he starts spitting it up and that if you mix sweet potatoes into anything he'll eat it, except turkey :0)

Yummy food!

Brad's beloved

Dinner! And some Christmas decorations to the side :0)

Dessert and ready for bed!!!

Now that Thanksgiving is over we are just waiting to have our carpets cleaned so we can put up our tree. Thinking of getting a real one but not sure yet... we will see!

I'm so grateful for everyone in our lives. Friends and family, all close to our hearts and loved by us!
The Lord put each and every one of you in our lives for a reason. I am also so grateful for my life, every breath, every heartbeat, and every second I live to watch my son grow and to be with my husband. It's crazy how quickly your life can change so quick without notice.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

What a party!

Today was Jeremiah's online birthday party! Although a little odd to "broadcast" his birthday and be the only ones home it was still nice for family and friends to see him open his gifts and nicely eat his cake!

It's crazy to think how far we have come in this past year. After almost dying from birth, packing up and moving to a new state miles upon miles from family and friends and starting life new here, along with becoming a stay at home mommy and wife. It amazes me how far we have truly come!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


As I sit waiting to see my Dr on base because I may possibly have strep I wonder so many things.

First is about commitment. As a miltary spouse we have to commit to not just marriage but to this life as a spouse. Knowing we will always come second to the military as if we are the "other women".

It is a proven fact that military marriages have harder times than civilian marriages. So what keeps us going? What makes a military marriage work? Maybe its a spouse that can do well with long distance relationships? Or maybe being both a mom and a dad during deployments and stepping back when the deployment is over so everyone can get back to "normal".

What about the kids? How do they stay so strong, have so much courage and deal with so much time without that parent?

Commitment to a life that has so many sharp turns, harsh decisions, and loss. It's hard to think that someone would choose this life over civilian life. I honestly believe we are crazy. Crazy in love with our soldiers so much that we can't live without them in our lives.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

B is for Birthday and Braces

Jeremiah just celebrated his first birthday!!! We were at a family retreat this weekend and celebrated with everyone there. A big beautiful cake and party favors where handed out. This weekend will be his online party for family and friends back home.

Jeremiah now has 4 top and 4 bottom teeth. All of which are already crowded. All I can think of is braces, braces and more braces. Brad was and still is in the same situation. We will be bringing him to the dentist next year(my dentist doesn't feel its needed till he's at least 2). Hopefully we will be able to get some good answers to correct this problem!

Jeremiah and Bun-bun have become the best of friends. When we were at the hotel this weekend he wouldn't leave her and ever since she goes with him to play and brush teeth and cuddle and read before bed. And of course she goes to bed with Jeremiah.

God has been blessing us left and right. Even though some may not think that peace is a blessing it is to me. He has given me peace about issues that have effected me for years. Which in turn has helped our marriage greatly.

I'm off to go and play with Jeremiah I pray that the Lord gives you peace in your life also!

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