Friday, February 26, 2010


WOW what a week!!!
Not only did we JUST find out that we are pregnant but now we are moving! We are staying in the same complex but just to a smaller apartment so we can save money for our move in August(hopefully someplace else cross your fingers and pray!), and also for the new little bundle of joy that will be making his/her appearance in late October or early November.
I have a "class" this coming wednesday for the new little one whom is making me so very hungry all of the time!!! Just an introduction on what is going to happen. What else they are going to talk about I have not a clue.

Looking at baby furniture. It's soooo expensive!!! I'm looking for a dark set so it could go boy or girl. A convertible crib to bed, along with a dresser/changing table combo. So really just a grow with me set. It's hard to find something that is affordable and not gross. If you have any ideas please tell me here or facebook!

Anyways this moving is killing me! I've eaten soooo much today!!! For breakfast I put Brad to shame! A big bowl of cereal, fruit, and then I saw some carrots so I ate those too! Then lunch, more like brunch (30mins after I ate breakfast) I made a HUGE bowl of pasta with some meat, then I grabbed a few slices of pizza and went downstairs to watch our neighbors little girl for a few hours.
Came home and then again made a HUGE pot of pasta(the whole box) cooked half a pound of hamburger and then to top it off two glasses of milk and veggies.
I've lost about 5lbs so far. HAHAHAHA!!!

Well I'm going to go and eat something (go figure) and pack a little bit more! I'll miss this apartment but not the neighbor upstairs, if it wasn't for her we wouldn't be moving. Stupid mean lady!! Not much longer we will be moving (PRAY PLEASE) someplace nice that is kid friendly!

In that note God bless you all! Night night!!!

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