Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Well it's the middle of May! And in most parts of the United States spring/summer has arrived. I've enjoyed seeing everyone's photos of the beach, flowers, sun dresses and so on.
But here in Las Vegas... well it's been drery and cold and rainy. I LOVE IT!!!
Maybe some moisture will get into the air and I can stop having bloody noses!!!

Anyways! Update with Mr Jerm...

He's sitting up, eating food like a pro and growling at everyone! And today he attempted to crawl and kinda did! So proud of my little gummy bear!
I fell asleep with him on his couch tonight. It was so sweet!

We finally found some drapes. They are going up tomorrow, they are in the washer(I hate that store smell)
I am going to be making some valences to go with them also. One less project to worry about.

Well I'm finally tired! Off to bed!!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Tooth

"It helps with the pain"

 Well Jeremiah has been teething for some time... and about a week ago his first tooth popped through! So cute! He won't let us take a photo yet because the other is still breaking way but he has his momma's pain tolerance for sure! He has not really needed anything. We have given him small amounts of Tylenol and Orajel but that is it.
So proud of our chunker!!
"Yay I'm dedicated to the Lord"

"Momma you scared me with the flash"
Our little man was dedicated last Sunday the 1st of May at church! We almost didn't make it because we forgot to get gas the night before but it was lovely! So happy to be apart of this church family and we can't wait to get to know more people and try to make Nevada more of a home than a prison.

He's teething.. and not happy about it.

So tomorrow is Saturday, and Brad, Jeremiah, Myself and the pups are going to the park!! Then we are going to go sample some wine at a local wine store after a quick shopping trip. Hopefully its not too hot. If it is we may just stay home, so hopefully not! Sunday is mother's day and we hope that all our cards get to everyone in a timely manor aka tomorrow!
"What is that?"

 Yeah so I definitely was having some problems with tonight's blog involving the photos but anywho enjoy the ones that I was able to get up on the blog. I'm going to make a video of some of his videos to put on here its just taking a lot longer than anticipated.

But that is technology for you!! Good night all!!

God bless and Happy Mother's day to all the
 mommy's out there!

"I'm up to no good"
"I like swimming"