Wednesday, January 8, 2014

As military members we kinda live in a bubble...


So our world has once again been flipped UPSIDE down. Our lovely government is cutting half of the Air Force. And... my husband's job is one of the many who are up for separation. 

How Lovely... 

So we are making the best of it looking at potential homes, searching for jobs, childcare, healthcare (no thank you, I will not voluntarily enroll in obamacare), etc. This isn't easy. Life isn't easy. We would be starting all over! 
We have a lot of friends who aren't in the military saying, "it won't be that bad! You will just be switching jobs!" 
Yes, because switching jobs is ever easy. Especially when you have bills that don't just stop when you stop using them ex: our $500 car payment! Or our $150 cell phone bill that will rise up to over $200 once our discount from the military is taken away, or our credit card bill from the car wreck last year that they didn't give enough to even cover half (Thanks NEVADA for your STUPID laws! We didn't even cause the crash and the other guy made out STILL).

In all reality it would be like becoming an orphan. But that's what happens when your entire savings is drained to take care of emergencies. 

There is an upside to all of this though. We would be near family! Our son would grow up at least knowing some family rather than knowing them from a screen, or a picture frame. The first couple years would be HELL. And that's fine because we have Our Lord God there to help us along the way. We would have to rent but we wouldn't have to move out of state every 4 years unless we wanted. We could start over fresh in a new city and make friends with people that could be our friends forever. 

Did you know that majority of military that own their own home do not reside in the same state as that home? And usually the house is purchased within the second half of the tour at that location? 

I have multiple friends who have 1, 2, and even some have 3 homes all in different states. It does become a income property if you are able to rent it to someone who isn't going to wreck it. We live in a military member's home. He has NEVER even step foot onto the property. He bought it while living in Virginia (where we met him), moved to Japan, and now is in Hawaii. He's owned this property for over 6 years and never seen it. Crazy huh? 

So? What is our decision? I've heard that so many times in the last two weeks. We don't know. We love the idea of getting out and using the money to pay off all of our credit cards. But we still will have other bills that need to be taken care of also. We also want to stay in. The healthcare, the discounts, the job security (even though it's being taken away) and so on. We aren't done with school. We have too much debt and so much more. 

As military members we kinda live in a bubble. Which is why my husband and I have always decided to live off base and try to befriend those who aren't military. We have tried to keep a "civilian" lifestyle. My son and I go off base for all of our care, we pay copays for medication, and we live life as close to a "civilian" life that we can. 

These and so many more, are the reasons that single veterans have such a hard time integrating themselves back into society. 

Finding your place in a world that you haven't actively participated in, in years is sooooo difficult. So many older veterans are homeless and have no family because they divorced while in the service and their families forgot them, they moved on, they didn't understand. 

I won't allow that to happen to my family. I will do my best to make sure that my husband transitions to this "new world" that we haven't been apart of in years! 

Here's to the New Year and possibly a very large change in our life! 

God Bless Y'all!

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