Monday, March 3, 2014


Well I can't figure out how to get my photos to look pretty so deal with this layout. 


Let's talk about style!! I don't really have one anymore but finally I am getting down to a smaller size and I am starting to feel more comfortable in my body again. {I'll never be used to the stretch marks though} I have been looking around at clothes online and trying to get an idea of what I should buying so I can actually have clothes to wear again. Clothes that don't look like I stole from a homeless person. These are a few photos of what I used to dress like. Before my beautiful {but rather large} child took my body hostage for 10 months. I have been organi-
zing photos to delete, print and so on for the last couple months {yup I have THAT many photos. Don't judge} and even though it's a great way to walk down memory lane it's also hard to see myself in a mostly toned body. Makes me want to go and run 20 miles and pray to God that I lost at least 5 pounds.
Exercise, good eating habits, sleep and staying hydrated are key to maintaining a healthy body weight. Sadly I do not exercise nearly enough and with a three year old you would think I'm running all around but out here, we are mostly inside year round. Not by choice though. Soon
my son will be in prek and will be doing sports
 and so forth. I want to be the mom that is running with him every day while he practices for his big
game against some rival town. I have to stop saying it and instead just jump on the bandwagon and
get my rear in gear!!!

Back to style...

I need new clothes. My walmart duds aren't cutting it anymore. So I think I'm going to stick with the styles in these photos. Light sweaters, tank tops, jeans, add some skirts in, some pretty flawy dresses and some nice trousers and blouses. Did I say I am looking for a full time job?

Oh yeah... I am. I think getting myself back out in the world and working again will help bring back my self esteem and really force me to get back to being Me!

I have quite a few places I want to put my resume into. I am quite excited to be going back to work. It will take me a while though. I have to organize working, going to school full time, being a wife, and a mom. Making sure that the housework gets done {hopefully I can hired someone}, make sure my child is getting the attention and love that he needs and deserves along with buying myself a new car to transport myself to and from work. Or at least pay for my husband to get a new car so that he will have something to drive and I will take the hybrid. Okay way to much talking about cars.
If anyone reads this, I ask that you pray for my family and myself. A job would help so much with paying off bills, help my overall well being, and allow for my family to live a better life.

It is most definitely scary though. I haven't worked a full time job in almost FOUR years!!  That is one heck of a long time to be away from the work force. It's time to get back into the real world again.

Until later,

Bye Bye Y'all!!!