Wednesday, July 21, 2010


So I have come to the conclusion that I have no freaking idea how to use this blog. If anyone would like to help me out here please call me! PLEASE!!!

So anyways, as most of you know we are having a little BOY!! And thankfully a year after birth this one will hopefully be able to speak somewhat unlike our other little boy whom just peed at my feet all of 10 mins ago.
So the scoop on the new little bundle of joy... he makes mommy have to go to the bathroom a lot, he also makes me very tired, very hungry, and when I'm sleeping wakes me up at 4 in the morning... maybe this is God's way of preparing me?
So we know our new base, the baby shower was great thank you Aunt Judy and Aunt Jan and also Gram for throwing us that lovely shower (I wish it wasn't so hot though I was exhausted!), Brad is now in tech school till the end of August, I'm finding tons of things to do and my little projects are taking up a lot of time!
Bradley at Tech School

So if this isn't perfect to represent Bradley at tech school I don't know what is!
He seems like he's doing well. He's only been there since Sunday (July 19th), he lets me know everyday that he doesn't like school and that he's tired.
I'll be sending him a little care package in a week or so. We'll see how that helps!

Well Mosley and Maggie are doing well too! I know how much everyone loves them! I'll be adding a video and some photos of the two of them in the next day or so. Please be looking for that update!

Well I'm off to enjoy the night by myself! Roomate is out for the night so that means.... LAUNDRY ALL NIGHT!! haha so much fun. lol

Night Ya'll! God bless and hope to hear from you soon!!!

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