Thursday, February 10, 2011

3 Months Already??

It has been three months since our little man was born! He was weighed Tuesday and he now is at 14lbs 17oz and 25.5in!! God is good!! And as I type this he is chilling out in his little bounce chair relaxing telling me about his day!

In that time we have battled with two types of infections for myself, dealt with him not wanting to nurse, packing up our home, flying by myself with a newborn, Brad driving across country with two dogs and a full car, living in temporary housing that smelled like wet dog for a week, and moving into our new home.

Sure a lot to deal with in only a couple months!

On the plus side... God has brought us through with flying colors! And we are doing good out here, we even got a new SUV with a very very low interest rate, so much better than the Toyota!!

We are all doing very well!! And we just wanted to update you all! Love yous!!!

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