Friday, December 30, 2011


I find myself being sassy more and more lately!

My awesome super baggy pjs and starbucks <3
Maybe it's my awesome pj's from the FIL and the SMIL (father and step mother in law)  or I'm getting out of my rut! Both are fine by me!

I need new slippers... these are kinda old :0/

It's so good to feel that bubbly laughter inside me again! Too bad it's 1 in the morning  ha ha ha!!

Tomorrow we are going to a chocolate factory, an exotic fish store and shopping as a family and then to dinner and a show with old friends. I will be posting photos for sure tomorrow night!

Then this weekend we will be going up to the mountains to go and stick Jeremiah in some snow! That should be fun- more photos then also! :0)

Christmas was fun! We slept in and Jeremiah opened his gifts and I made a quick breakfast and we went to Brad's chaplain's home to have dinner and hang out. Jeremiah was so tired thanks to no afternoon nap  nut lasted a pretty long time

Here are some photos of our Christmas day!!
Happy Birthday Jesus!
I wish I had made a cake. That will be a new tradition for our family every year!

Look how big he is! Christmas Eve!!

First toy! A truck with cool blocks!

Opening a gift with Mommy
Gift from the grandparents in NY

Hi puppy!

I hug you

Whatcha got?

What are you doing Dada?

Hanging out with Mrs. Juchter
What is in this box?

Dada I'm tired

That was our Christmas! It was so simple and relaxing! (besides me kinda burning the sausage)
 I'm glad that it was, we needed some "time off"          

I must be off to bed! It's 2am and we have so much to do tomorrow!

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