Wednesday, February 27, 2013


So we I am potty training our loveable two year old. So far so good! Only a few minor accidents in the past two days. Right now I'm debating between two permanent potty seats for his bathroom toilet. He doesn't like his potty chair but we use it downstairs and he just loves to sit on his big boy toilet in his bathroom. (Starting to think we pushed him being a big boy too much)

So we were given an opportunity to move into a beautiful house with hardwood floors, beautiful drift wood incorporated into the architecture, open floor plan, a RODI and water softener system, a pool (LOVE this part), a beautiful updated kitchen, faux grass (needed out here), a garage with a WORKING door opener, ceiling fans, and a master suite with direct access to the pool. A beautiful house with so much to offer and the rental price to go with it. For an additional $350 a month we could rent that beautiful place.

And being the sweet loving husband that he is... He let me decide if we should move or not.

So I prayed about what I should do. We had the money, but it would be like when we first moved out here. A little more of a tight budget, we wouldn't be able to go back home this summer we would have to wait longer to see family back east.
I made my list. Seriously it was so long and I really wish I had taken a picture of it.

God told me to stay. Even though the house had a pool, hardwood floors, and so many things I wanted. I felt God telling me that something bad would happen if I chose to stay. That our safety would be compromised and we would not be safe. We know the last renters and the present renters both who work with Hubby. Actually, the present renter took the last renter's job.
Anyway, that's another story for another day...

So, this beautiful house is not ours. Even though I would love to live there, I actually feel much more safe and happier in our present home. A home that even though it's not as updated, and has a unfinished yard and no pool, oh crap can I change my mind? I still like it here.
We are in a gated community, and it feels like home. Our neighbors are nice, we haven't had any crime here since we moved in a year ago and we are so close to everything there is no sense moving even further from a base that already takes 45mins to get to.

So we are staying. I'm listening to God and we have been rewarded. Hubby finally sold his car about a week after deciding to not rent the other house. We also were able to pay off a few bills, buy me a mac, and buy everything for my husband to build his new reef tank from the ground up (Photos to come of that beauty!), and we also turned Jerm's tank into a saltwater tank which makes our life a whole lot easier when it comes to maintenance.

So, I've been working on weight loss. I don't want to be skinny, I want to be toned and healthy again. So far I have limited my intake of red meats down to maybe once a month IF that. I eat fresh veggies and fruit everyday. I take in plenty of lean proteins daily and have pretty much cut out all carbs except for a whole grain carb for breakfast and lunch.
I started at a gym which is amazing because the time when I go, there are so few people that I actually feel comfortable going. I am finally able, after over 3 years to actually run a mile without feeling like I'm going to die. My time isn't the greatest but I'm getting there.
By the end of this year I want to have run a 5k, 10k and my first half marathon by the first half of the new year.

Besides all of those lovely things going on... Jerm is having full on tantrums, refuses to go to sleep for not only nap but bedtime. Tonight I started prepping him for bedtime at 8:30pm and he still isn't asleep now and it's 10:47pm. Here's to praying that the TERRIBLE TWOs are corrected CORRECTLY by my husband and myself. I'm looking for new ways to discipline and watching for signs that he really just needs a hug or playtime with mommy or daddy. Goodness it's hard!
And to think... I want another, within the next year!!!
I MUST be crazy.

On that note,
Ya'll have a great week now ya hear!

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