Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Thank Goodness

My husband and son were in a car accident Sunday. Both are fine but our car, not so much.
They had dropped me off at work and moments later where tboned by a large suv. Our poor Camry hybrid didn't do so good.

It had to be the scariest thing I have ever dealt with up to this time in my life. I had just seen them, closed that door that was now smashed in. When I turned around I knew someone had gotten hit but when I saw our car, our car that held my husband and my son inside of it I freaked out.

The next couple of moments I was lost. I know I over reacted but really what would anyone else do? For some reason my brain said to go into my store and tell my manager and then go back out. Why? I have no freaking idea. So I ran in freaking out and threw my bags over the counter and ran back out down the road to my husband and son- who by this time were out of the car and perfectly fine.
If I could replay all of that, I would have waited a little longer to get out of the car and none of this would have happened.


The man who hit them didn't see them. Our car is a light mint green color and is easy to miss so I get it. But he should have looked again. I'm a super cautious driver as is my husband so I know that my husband did all that he could not to get hit. He told me he swerved, I believe it. I'm just so upset that now, because this guy didn't look again or wasn't really paying attention we are now dealing with insurance companies, praying that we will get the money back that we deserve and praying that our car can be fixed.

You see, the guy who hit us, he didn't have a yield sign. It was just implied that you should yield in a cross "street" in a parking lot on private property. Not everyone is smart though, I have to remind myself that daily. We have idiots driving around in cars.
I'm just glad that the guy had insurance, and that not all 12 kids and his wife were in the car.


So as of today we are dealing with a car that only the driver's side doors work, a car that we can't drive down the highway, and oh yes a car who's airbags never deployed so they could technically deploy at anytime even when driving! So while we are fighting both insurance companies, praying that we have enough money to cover a rental car and deductible really I feel like the Lord is saying, "Trust in me, I can handle anything."

Let go and Let the Lord...


Lord, please take this. Because my husband and I can't do this ourselves.

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