Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Not preggy... yay?

Okay so my husband already knows that I really want another baby but his reasoning for not having one right now are very sincere and caring. He wants me to get back to a healthy weight and get really strong and stay strong so that I can have our next child naturally.
Some of our family thinks that he is being controlling, and that if I want another child that he should give me a child.
But honestly, I agree with my husband. I want to be strong, and healthy and no matter how many stretch marks I have I want to know that the next baby who lives in my womb for over 10 months (yup Jerm was in there for a long time), will be able to come out naturally even if he or she is freaking huge!

So I am just going to continue to work out (I took a week or so off ooopppss...) and keep eating healthy (this I am doing really well at) and get myself to be healthy like I was well before Jerm was born.

Other news!!! I have gotten a good chunk of Jerm's pregnancy and birth story written and can't wait to finish, edit and post it on here. His birth story isn't going to be pretty. Honestly it's quite sad considering that nothing went as planned. But my child who is currently running laps upstairs with me while I write this is the most amazing thing I have done and will ever do in my life! He still will be the most amazing thing even when I complete my doctorate, and even when I have another child. He changed my life, made me a mother. I will never be the same person I was, I will always have his life to dictate who I am, what I do and what I will become. My husband is my partner and my other half, I love him so much, and even though we fight I love him. He gave me the other half to make our beautiful, smart, spunky, amazing child.

Other news...

Binki or "Dede" as it is known in our home has been cut. Literally cut. I provided a photo.
Sad day, my little guy is a big boy!

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