Sunday, May 26, 2013

"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Colossians 3:2

Such a easy verse to remember and has become a favorite of mine in the past year or so.
When we lived in DC life was completely different than living here in Vegas. I had a decent paying job that I was excelling in and moving at a pretty good pace, a lifestyle that I had always wanted, we went out to eat almost every day, spent $1000s of dollars on clothes and food and lived in a decent apartment that cost us over $2000 to rent per month just for rent, not including all the utilities and such to keep the place running. None of those things I wanted to give up. Nothing was more important than the money I was making, and the material things I was able to buy because of that money. I didn't want to give any of that up for anything!
That was my problem though, I didn't want to give anything up.
God knew my heart, he knew that before all of the money, before all of the materialistic bull crap that I had placed in my life, I wanted a family.
He also knew that if we didn't leave the nation's capital that not only would I become lost from him, but that I would lose my husband and even though the two of us fought like cats and dogs sometimes, I loved him dearly and God made us for each other and that was made very apparent especially when you hear our story.

I wholeheartedly believe that our Lord, who knew how badly I loved that area, gave us a child and had us move to the other side of the US to have us learn something, something so very important that otherwise we would have never of learned:

To love Him first, to love each other second and to love our child third.

"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Colossians 3:2

I first came across this verse by accident a little over a year ago. I was still dwelling on the fact that I was so very far away from the place that I called home- the east coast- and so far away from everything that I loved so dearly- making money mostly but also our family (even thought we did not visit nearly enough).
I was looking for a verse about something, who knows what because really I wasn't going to do anything with it. I wanted it as a Facebook status, how stupid and fake.

Instead I found something much better and in God's divine planning had it miss-marked on google. Good Morning Girls was the first website that popped up with this photo:

Well played God well played! I thought sure this is great, I'll download it and do something with it later. My husband set it as our background on accident and just left it there. So everyday for about 3 months I saw it. Finally I prayed about it and that Sunday we went to church and heard a sermon all about the greed of our country and how we need to look at our hearts.

God spoke to my heart that morning and brought that photo into my mind so clearly that without closing my eyes I could see it.

I have chosen to stop looking out the window at what other's have, and start looking in my home.
I find myself frequently sitting on the stairs while my husband and son watch tv and play together. The dirty dishes in the sink don't matter, nor does the fact that there are things in places they need not be. My life isn't perfect and I'm sick of pretending that it is.

God moved us out here to Sin City to learn, to change us, and to do something BIG!

I'm sick of acting like this place is hell. It's not hell, and it's not even close to being hell.

The last couple of blog entries have been pretty much the same thing. Telling you that I am changing or that I will change and telling you about what I want to do rather than just doing it.

This blog is going to do something, at least I hope it does.

My hopes for this blog are pretty simple:

I want to help people, somehow, someway
I want to use this blog as a tool to keep myself on track with my goals;
                                    Be a amazing wife, mother, daughter, and friend.
                                    Keep my Lord front and center, right up there ahead.
                                    I want to "Keep it Real" No more lying to myself, no more faking anything. I                        
                           want people to SEE ME!! No more pretending to be someone else. I am who I am and
                           if you don't like it fine by me. Just move on!
                                   Strive to be a Psalm 31 wife; I will be the first to admit that I do NOT like "giving in" to what my husband wants. Honestly, I really hate it but you know what? Wives are to be submissive to the husband. Our Lord protects us all but gives guidance to our husbands so they can protect our home.

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