Tuesday, July 9, 2013

WHY MACBOOK?!?!? WHY?!?!?!

Dear MacBookPro,
            Let’s make this easy okay? I switched to you because I knew how awesome Apple was compared to Microsoft. The ease of use paired with my iPhone, iPad and in the near future our iPad mini for Jerm, Mac desktop and maybe a Apple TV would be a overall amazing experience.
            No need for expensive antivirus, everything easy to use and that handy little bar at the bottom of my main screen with all of my most used programs only a click away.
            So, now that I have you and I have been using you for school, work and home use. Why do you hate me so? I bought you a beautiful case, I make sure that my toddler keeps his hands off of you and you still hate me.
            Today is a sad day MacBookPro. A very sad day. I had to turn to my handy dandy Microsoft pc so I could play a simple game of Sims (I love building the houses, don’t judge). You wouldn’t load the simple game and now, I cry.
            You also decided to update three times in a row and I couldn't use you for homework! I enjoy reading my very long and drawn out textbook on your dimly lit screen while listening to ocean waves on youtube while in bed snuggled up to my dog and my uber soft blankets. 
            Please redeem yourself from this and make tomorrow's two hour study session go smoothly!

Your very lost owner

Ps. I totally love my Mac ;)

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