Sunday, March 31, 2013

Holy moly ya'll!

How was everyone's Easter or like we like to call it in our home Resurrection Sunday?

Turns out, trying to get all three of us ready for church when we are all tired and getting over colds is not a easy task so instead our little family went up to one of the parks here called Red Rock on Sunday.

It was lovely. So many people were up there enjoying the day with cookouts and even a few egg hunts! We had left the DSLR at home because it was a after thought after we were in the car and driving to church but even though my phone takes horrible photos I still was able to capture some of God's beautiful works!

This past week or so I've been deep cleaning, and even still deep cleaning the mess from the prior tenant a year later. Slobs.

I didn't say that ;)

I think I mentioned a while back that we had the opportunity to move into a updated home with a pool but decided against it for many reasons.
So I've started working on this house so it will feel more like home.
I finally put up our bedroom curtains and am FINALLY starting on that massive bedroom of ours. Next step will be painting and making new bedding! Very excited!

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