Thursday, May 23, 2013


I have to say I have no stinking idea if I am. I'm two weeks late and I've taken three tests... Yes THREE!!! I'm never late unless I miscalculate, then obviously I'm not really late I just haven't counted correctly. 

But I know I'm late because I've been writing down the time and the day for the last few months and its always the same time each month. 

This is scary. Although yes I want another baby because I feel like our family is not complete but at the same time I'm in school, we have no family here because of the military, and I've finally started getting my health back on track after all of the horrible crap I dealt with my first pregnancy. I'm not anymore stressed than I was last month (school is kicking my butt) sadly I haven't lost any weight (working on it I promise) and our life hasn't just fallen to shambles so I have no idea. 

If I don't have a cycle by Tuesday I'm going onto the drs. I have one test left so hopefully I get it before Sunday which is when I test again but if not then yay for baby! 

If anyone reads this, has anyone used the Chinese birth calendar thing? It was right with Jerm even though I believe each hold is chosen by God I still find it interesting. 

Back to schoolwork, sadly I'm not getting a A for this class. Ill make it up with my next ones for sure though. ☺

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