Monday, August 19, 2013

Careers, jobs and everything in between...

Today I started really getting myself ready to find a real job. A full time, need a nanny, buy another car, pack your lunch kinda job.
I have been a stay at home wife and mom for almost three years. Revamping a resume that hasn't really been touched in over two years was kind of surreal. I ended up looking over bank statements and looking at old photos of happy hour and parties at our old apartment in northern VA.
I loved that life. But I'm not there anymore. I'm not just a wife. Not just an employee anymore. I am a darn awesome wife, mom, student, and completely different than who I was three years ago.
My priorities where about going out to five star restaurants for LUNCH. As though I was going to Panara Bread. I never looked at prices on clothes, or food when grocery shopping. All I knew was if my grocery bill was under $300 at Whole Foods I was golden. I paid way too much for a car that was worth way less because honestly I needed the car at the time and it was "perfect". Darn you interest rates!!!

Now I pinch pennies and spend the minimum amount at the grocery store, I try to use coupons when I can and I make most of every and anything I can. Heck I have been reusing fabric from old clothes to make new things. This owl is one of them :)

So going back to work full time should be different now, right?
I am going to be buying a new-ish vehicle, but this time I know what I want and the rate I am willing to pay.
I will probably still be going out to eat, but I won't be eating five star anymore.
Clothing, this is one area that I really didn't have much control over when working as a manager. The doctor's office I worked for only allowed black, white and grey. You could wear color but only for your accessories. So I'm praying that I find a job that will allow business casual and colors. Please Lord give me a job that let's me look alive and not like I belong in a funeral procession. 

I'm just ready for this next step in my life. Although I really want another baby, and I really want to homeschool my son. Right now I need to get out of the house and make money. So unless some magical job allows me to stay home and make money, I will be getting ready in the morning and dropping off my son at daycare/school. 

I honestly think this wouldn't be such an issue if we lived someplace I considered safe. Even in VA I felt safer than I do here. I honestly believe that Virginia is home to me. I didn't grow up there but I did start my life with my husband there. I made a good amount of friends and our family was close enough to drive back home {Upstate New York} for the weekend on one tank of gas. {Did I say I miss that old car? Well I do.} To visit family in Florida was a 14 hour drive or a 1.5 hour flight that cost less than our cell phone bill every month. Further yes, but honestly a hell of a lot cheaper STILL!!

Days like today make me hate the military with every ounce of my being. 

Till next time,
Tata ya'll!

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