Sunday, June 30, 2013

Gotta PEE!!!

That is what my son is saying to get me to go and "rescue" him from his room.
He just went to the bathroom, washed his hands and so on before his night time diaper was put on. 

It's five of eleven.

This has become a daily event in our home. I know it's because he's two and a half and he's trying to control his environment the only way he knows how....

Screaming anything that may let him out of his room for a few more minutes, even a second would be awesome in his mind. 

This only happens when he is extremely tired. And considering that we laid him down at 8:30 rather than the usual 9pm; this is quite weird even for him.

Oh toddlerhood, why are you so darn mean to me!!?!?!?!

Other news, anthropology hates me. I had the beloved 4.0 gpa up until this point and now I will be lucky if I get over a 3.5. Dang it! I've got to kick it up a notch! 

I really don't like anthro. I understand the purpose of the class, realizing that our little box of a world that we live in here in the US is not the only world. Every thing we do, effects someone else. No matter who or where they are, they can be effected. 
Being the smart butt that I am, I thought I would look up anthropology videos on youtube. 
I was so sick by what I saw that I couldn't finish the video. It had nothing to do about the people in the video, it had to do with what was happening to those poor people who just wanted to live their simple lives. I actually envy them. Find foods that you are used to, build homes, and protect yourself from invaders. I know it's not that simple, but to them it is. Family and friends are family and are treated as such. 

So I have a paper due tomorrow on a tribe and I haven't even started it. Yup. Instead of doing my homework all weekend I took a much needed break from everything and immersed myself into the world of sims. I needed it and I actually feel much more relaxed now. There is something about building a house from the ground up and decorating it the way you please that makes me happy. I guess it's my inner architect in there someplace. 

(ADD moment) All throughout high school I wanted to go to school for architectural design. I loved every aspect of designing homes and beautiful buildings for people. Laying the foundation, creating a home for someone who really wanted to create their own home from scratch and really make it THEIRS. 
I gave up on that dream, well more like the Lord told me to give up and told me I had something bigger to do. 

It's funny how you can dream of one thing and then your life changes course. I find it like depending on the wind to control a boat that is set on semi auto pilot. 
You can only go as far as the wind will allow and you have to trust that the wind will bring you to the right destination. Prayerfully keeping your heart and mind open and dependent on the one and only one above. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Is optometry right for me?

Sometimes I feel that I'm setting the bar too low. 
Should I be going for something that will not only challenge me but pay really well? 
I love optometry. The human eye fascinates me and has a grip on me when I start searching online for information. I'm not even finished with my bachelors degree and I'm gazing to the future!
With all of my classes lined up back to back for the next three-ish years I wonder if I will ever want to go another four years to go for my doctorate. 
I want it but is that really a good enough reason to spend the money and time away from my little family? 
When I finish my undergrad I will be 30ish my son will be turning six and I will have been married for eight years and most likely I will have another child. 

I like planning for the future but I have our Lord Jesus guiding the way and he can see so much clearer up there. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Shopping list for WHAT?!?!?!

So I've been stuck in a rut.
I was going to the gym and eating really clean and healthy and then I stopped. I haven't gained any weight but I have lost muscle, LOTS of the very beautiful muscle that was working so hard for!

So now I've been looking for a way to clean all the garbage out of my body. Our family has started implementing organic and all natural foods into our eating habits.
Okay so Jerm and I have. DH has been sneaking cokes behind my back, which I find disgusting. Ever since he stopped drinking soda he hasn't had any issues with his teeth. I foresee a very angry husband who needs more dental work in the near future.

Anyways. So I've been looking up cleanses. I found one that was 24 hours and you only drank some type of tea, that sounded too much like my experience with golytely... ick.
Then there where the more extreme cleanses were you fast for almost a full month and eat a very strict diet and take pills, and drink teas and so on. That was something I was willing to do except I knew that you didn't need a FULL month to cleanse your body. You can do a base cleanse and then eat healthy from then on and your body will not be harmed.

Sooooo... I found Dr. Oz 48 Hour Cleanse. I looked up the different ingredients and researched to make sure that I wasn't doing this for nothing. When researching I remembered that I did a cleanse close to this when I was in high school. Did it work then? Yes, but I did it for far too long thinking that I would be able to lose weight quicker. Stupid teenage me. Thankfully I realized halfway through the month that I wasn't helping my body and just started to eat clean.
This cleanse though looks legit and with the different foods that actually help clean out the body naturally working together in unison, I am actually quite happy to try it! I will be gathering all my things and doing this either this week or this weekend. I can't decide if having my husband home will make it harder to do or easier hahaha

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Big coffee big day

Quick post time! 

As a stay at home mom, I honestly feel that everyday is a rush to get everything done on my list. Yet majority if the time, my list only has one or two things crossed off at the end of the day but I'm still exhausted. 

Today I'm challenging myself to clean the entire house top to bottom. 
And with my big cup of coffee I may actually achieve it.